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Support our 2023 Bills!

It is important to know who represents you and protects your profession. Legislators/Senators take pride in knowing their constituents and representing their needs. Choose to call or email your representatives and tell them to support House Bill 41 and our Senate Bill 186 for the OT Compact.

1. Use the link above to find your personal, local legislator/senator. Each of your representatives will have a link to their personal webpage with their contact information. 

2. Decide to email or call your representatives. Below you will find a pre-made script for you to use! We want to make this as easy as possible for you!

The more people that contact their representatives, the louder our voice will be, and the better our chances for getting ours bills to be voted into LAW!


Senator / Representative (insert name),

My name is (insert name) and I am a constituent in your district, residing/working at (insert address). I am an occupational therapist at (insert business.) I’m writing to you in the hopes that you will actively support HB41 by Representative Frieman and SB 186 by Senator Peacock. HB41 would allow for me to provide telehealth coverage to patients. SB186 would allow easier practice when occupational therapists move to Louisiana and is patterned after legislation passed in other states. These two bills are imperative to our industry and I would appreciate your support on these items. (can insert a personal story or comment here to bring the point home.) Thank you for all you do and please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.


(insert name and business)



Hi, my name is (insert name) and I am a constituent of (insert legislator). I am an occupational therapist at (insert business) and would like (insert legislator)’s support on HB41 and SB186. These bills are important to my industry and we need their help to get these passed. My contact number is (give phone number) and I would be happy to answer any question they may have. Thank you.

Be a Subject Matter Expert 

For some members, volunteering year-round is too strenuous. BUT That doesn't mean you don't have valuable knowledge that can be beneficial to our organization. If you are an expert in your work setting, with the population you serve, or with handling reimbursement, we want to hear from you! Legislation and regulations are constantly changing. The more informed LOTA's legislative committee is, the better we can advocate for our Louisiana OT practitioners. 

*Specifically, if you have experience with interstate licensing or telehealth, we definitely want to hear from you! 

If you are interested in LOTA keeping your contact on retainer as a subject matter expert.....

Contact our Governmental Affairs Chair, Sam Francioni MS, LOTR


Join Our Committee!

The Legislative Committee is a volunteer group. We are full time practitioners and parents with many roles, just like you. If you are interested in reviewing bills, writing legislation, making relationships with current legislators, and impacting the future of OT in the state of Louisiana....

Contact our Governmental Affairs Chair, Sam Francioni MS, LOTR


LOTA has organized its districts according to Louisiana legislation districts:


(225) 291-2806

LOTA, PO Box 14806

Baton Rouge, LA 70898

© Louisiana Occupational Therapy Association

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